Captain Ferk III is yet another game of starship combat. All the files and markers can be downloaded here. The game is free but the copyright and all intellectual property rights remain with the author.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

The Final Front Ear

Captain Ferk III is now online. The links to the various PDF files you'll need are on the right of this page. If you're new to the game (which pretty much amounts to the whole world except for the mighty Ninjasaurus Rex and the humble Shogun Tora Kamikaze) then start with the low-res version of the rules to see if you like it before frittering away your bandwidth on downloading the other PDFs.

The game does not require any paper record-keeping because it makes extensive use of various markers. You may already have markers of your own you would prefer to use but I have provided PDFs of the ones I designed. Once printed, these markers will need cutting to size. They require some initial time and effort to make but they speed up gameplay greatly (and we like to think they look nice too). As a time saver and to make them more substantial, I printed them on self-adhesive photo paper and stuck them to thin card before trimming them. Even if you don't like Captain Ferk III, feel free to use these markers for your other games instead, but remember they are not in the public domain so do not distribute, modify or sell them.

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